Manage Hours Online With Web-Based Time Tracker

Record work hours conveniently using an efficient web-based time tracker for seamless online management and productivity monitoring.

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Why is Web-based Time Tracking a Smart Choice?


Accessibility and Convenience

Access the web-based time tracker from anywhere, using any device. All you need is an Internet connection.


Real-time Data and Updates

Get real-time updates and flexibility to synchronize data across all devices. Users and managers can see updated information instantly.


No Installation Required

No need to install or maintain software on individual devices. Users have to only login through a web browser.



Easy to scale as per the growing needs of different teams. Can accommodate additional features without the need to make major infrastructure changes.


Remote Workforce Management

Manage remote and distributed teams without any hassle. Get access to time-tracking tools from any location to stay updated about your teams.


Integration with Other Tools

Integrate with CRM, HR software, and other web-based applications to enhance the overall workflow efficiency.


Make Strategic Decisions With Insightful Reports

Through detailed and flexible reporting, you receive important information about your employees’ performance, their work time, and the project’s status.

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Project-Based Reporting

Know the amount of time spent on assignments for precise project schedule estimation and optimal resource allocation.

  • Accurate project time tracking
  • Optimize resource allocation

Time & Attendance  Reports

Monitor everything your employees do using the online timesheets you get full access to. You can download summary reports, daily attendance registries, overtime statistics, and more.

  • Comprehensive online timesheets
  • Download attendance and overtime reports

Effortless Timesheet Creation

Simplify the creation of detailed timesheets using our web-based time tracker, ensuring accurate tracking of work hours and activities for streamlined project management and payroll processing.

  • Streamline time tracking process.
  • Ensure accurate payroll management.
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Better Visibility & Transparency For Enhanced Time Tracking

Increased transparency enables groups and organizations to track their performance, identify issues, and adjust the ongoing processes to succeed and manage their time accordingly.

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Smart Web Tracker

See how efficient your team is in multitasking and how much time they can effectively utilize. It assists in time conservation and makes tasks much more expeditious, making them more profitable.

  • Monitor team multitasking efficienc
  • Enhance productivity and profitability

Get Real-Time Updates

To provide current information for decision-making and management, control and change those activities, and finish work according to the schedules.

  • Get real-time updates for informed decision-making
  • Control activities and meet schedules

Easy To Optimize Time

You can save time by reducing administrative overhead to maximize your team’s productivity and overall performance.

  • Streamline administrative tasks
  • Optimize team productivity
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Meant For Every Business

Workstatus is One Solution for All Businesses

One Solution


  • Optimize workforce management and resource allocation
  • AI-powered insights for strategic decision-making
  • Choose Stealth or Visible Mode for tracking employee activity
One Solution


  • Cost-effective, comprehensive workforce management
  • Real-time insights for rapid growth and success
  • Ideal for managing remote teams
One Solution


  • Precise time tracking and invoicing
  • Efficient task prioritization and deadline management
  • Foster trust and credibility with clients

Optimize Invoicing Operations With Web-Based Time Tracker

Get a better way to keep track of your expenses, reduce errors, and improve your company's cash flow.

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Manage Billable Hours

Keep track of every minute you spend on work for each client. Our web-based app helps you stay on top of billing. You can see details of all your client projects, case histories, and companies in one place.

  • Track billable hours efficiently
  • Access client project details easily

Get Paid Faster

Make invoice payments quicker with easy-to-use online billing software. Instead of wasting hours on payments, get paid fast and spend more time on your core operations.

  • Expedite invoice payment
  • Focus more on core operations

Organized Records

Prevent late payments by setting up an automatic reminder in invoicing software. Setting up a reminder and sending out a notification will ensure that your clients remain honest when it comes to paying their bills.

  • Maintain organized payment records
  • Automate payment reminders
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Empowering Leaders

How Can Workstatus Help Managers Optimize Operations

Workstatus offers robust features to help managers plan, optimize & track their operations and make data-driven decisions for higher ROI.

Empowering Leaders

HR Managers

  • Real-time insights on attendance and work hours
  • Geofencing, GPS tracking, and selfie validation
  • Efficient time tracking and reporting for easy payroll

Finance Managers

  • Detailed time tracking and project cost analysis
  • Accurate budget allocation and expense monitoring
  • Data-driven reports for better financial planning

IT Managers

  • Identify potential data theft threats by capturing screenshots.
  • Monitor application usage to detect unauthorized software installations and potential security breaches.
  • Analyze metrics for smarter IT operations.

Project Managers

  • Centralized platform for monitoring project progress
  • Real-time data and analytics for risk identification
  • Stay on schedule and within budget with Workstatus!"

Find Answers To All Of Your Questions Here.

What is a web-based time tracker?

A web-based time tracker is software that allows individuals or teams to monitor and record the amount of time spent on specific tasks, projects, or clients.

Unlike traditional desktop applications, web-based time trackers are accessible through a web browser, making them convenient to use from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. 

These tools provide a centralized platform for tracking billable hours, managing deadlines, and analyzing productivity across different workflows.

How does a web-based time tracker work?

Most web-based time trackers operate on a simple principle: users can start and stop a timer when they begin and finish working on a particular task or project. 

Some advanced time trackers also offer features like periodic screen captures or automatic idle time detection to verify active work. 

As users log their time, entries are recorded and compiled into timesheets or reports that can be reviewed, edited, and submitted for approval or billing purposes.


What are some benefits of using a web-based time tracker?

Web-based time trackers offer several advantages over traditional time-tracking methods, such as manual spreadsheets or paper timesheets. 

They provide a more accurate and transparent way of logging work hours, reducing the risk of errors or time theft. 

Additionally, web-based time trackers enable better project planning, resource allocation, and billing by providing detailed insights into time spent across different clients, projects, or team members. 

This data can help businesses optimize workflows, improve productivity, and make more informed decisions.

Are web-based time trackers just for employees?

No, web-based time trackers can benefit many individuals and professionals beyond traditional employee-employer relationships. 

Freelancers, contractors, consultants, lawyers, developers, and other independent workers can leverage these tools to accurately track their billable hours, manage multiple clients or projects, and provide transparent reporting to their customers or clients. 

Web-based time trackers like Workstatus can also be useful for tracking personal productivity. They help individuals understand how they spend their time and identify areas for improvement.

How much do web-based time trackers cost?

The cost of web-based time trackers can vary depending on the features and functionality offered. 

Many providers offer free plans or trials for basic time-tracking capabilities, which may be suitable for individuals or small teams. Paid plans, which typically range from $5 to $20 per user per month, often include advanced features such as project management tools, invoicing integrations, reporting and analytics, team management capabilities, and customer support.

 Enterprise-level solutions with custom pricing are also available for larger organizations with more complex requirements.

Workstatus offers the most affordable pricing in the market:

  • Premium: ₹199 / user/month (billed annually)
  • Enterprise: Contact Sales

Are web-based time trackers secure?

Reputable web-based time-tracking platforms prioritize data security and privacy. 

They typically employ industry-standard measures such as encrypted data transfer (HTTPS), secure cloud storage, role-based access controls, and regular security audits. 

However, it’s important to note that some time tracking features, like periodic screen captures, could expose sensitive information if not properly configured or managed. 

Users should carefully review the security practices and policies of any time tracking tool they intend to use, especially if handling confidential or regulated data.


How Can Workstatus™ Help Your Business

Enhancing timesheet accuracy

Enhancing Timesheet Accuracy: Automated Tracking

Effortlessly capture every working minute with Workstatus cutting-edge automation, ensuring your timesheets reflect true productivity down to the last second.

streamline billing

Streamlining Billing: Transparent Automated Time Tracking

An innovative solution to eliminate manual entry to ensure accurate and real-time records for your billing needs.

Boost Retail Output

Boost Retail Output By 81% With Smart Time Tracking Software

You can easily see what staff are doing in real-time for better planning of shifts and staffing to drive more sales.


Workstatus for All Devices

Our lightweight app allows you and your team to track time, no matter where you are. With GPS tracking and geofences, anyone can clock in automatically when they enter a job site or get reminders based on location.

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Workstatus account required to use apps


What Workstatus™ Users Tell Us

“ Workstatus employee time tracking tool tells us the moments our people are being
productive and uses that data to help us create productive schedules, deadlines, and tasks. With a simple to use tool, we are able to make our employees more
productive while saving time we used to spend earlier. ”

“ We have further noticed that as a by product, our employees are also motivated to work harder and smarter by taking control of their time by having this app on their devices. ”


Eric Genge, UK

“ Glad that we moved to Workstatus and cut down on wasted time. We are now clutter- free, more managed and relaxed. Our people have reported a better work-life balance since we made the move. ”


Berry Jonas, USA

“ I was exhausted after working full days. I used to spend my entire day running around like crazy trying to finish everything. But things have changed since I made a shift to Workstatus time tracker. Coming home after work with time to spend with family is great. And picture not dreading the next day at work because I am less stressed and don’t feel like there’s too much on my plate. ”


Alaxandra Naogaokar, Israel


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start tracking time in Workstatus?

 Download and install the Workstatus desktop app or browser extension for your operating system. Once set up, you’ll see the Workstatus timer in your menu bar or browser.

To begin tracking, click the “Start Timer” button when working on a task or project.

Can I add notes or details to my time entries?

Yes, Workstatus allows you to add notes, descriptions, or additional details to your time entries. This helps provide valuable context around your work during the tracked time.

You can also attach files or documents relevant to the time entry if needed.

Can I track time for different projects or clients?

Absolutely. Within Workstatus, you can set up separate projects or organize work by client. As you start the timer, select which project or client the time should be tracked against.

This makes it easy to separate and analyze time spent across various jobs or accounts.

How do I get paid for the hours I track?

You must submit your timesheet for approval in Workstatus at the end of each pay period.

Your manager or admin can review all the time entries you’ve logged and the accompanying data.

Once approved, the tracked hours can be exported to payroll or invoicing systems to process payment.


We Love To Hear From Our Users

Mask Group-1

Workstatus simplified our workforce management and HR operations. Workstatus allowed us to track attendance seamlessly and accurately. Employees can clock in and clock out with a simple tap on their smartphones. We can monitor attendance in real-time, generate attendance & productivity reports, and manage leave requests. I highly recommend Workstatus to any business that wants to automate their attendance tracking and improve HR operations

Ripple Nagpal
CEO of Execube Digital
Group 1000018788

I have been using Workstatus time tracking software for my team. I must say it has made a significant difference in my productivity and time management. The software is incredibly easy to use and it allows us to track our time accurately for each project and task. I highly recommend Workstatus time tracking software to any business looking to streamline their time management and maximize the productivity.

Chetan_CV Pabari
CEO of Opus
Mask Group

We started using Workstatus sometime back. It has given a good amount of improvement in productivity of our employee. We are able to track what they do and how much time they spend on each of our project. It gives us clarity on which project we need to spend more time and whether they are spending right amount of time over the project as well. We are also able to track if anyone is tampering with productivity and time. As a productivity tracker, Workstatus is really good. It has a good support team that resolved all our technical issues in no time. We are looking for a long term association with Workstatus.

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