Tackle Employee Roster Conflicts with Automated Shift Scheduling

Embrace the flexibility to adjust schedules in real-time, accommodating changing needs and preferences with ease.

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Benefits Of Smart Employee Scheduling


Prompt Alerts

Receive timely notifications for upcoming shifts and alerts for any delays, missed shifts, or abandoned schedules.


Automated Scheduling

Utilize automated scheduling tools to set recurring shifts based on your preferred patterns, streamlining the process and reducing manual effort.


Easy Resource Management

Stay updated with real-time insights into staffing levels and effectively organize backup resources.


Automate Employee Scheduling & Optimize Team Visibility

Optimize scheduling efficiency levels easily

Group 1000016070 (1) Group 1000016071 Time & Activity Reports

Automated Shift Planning

Avoid creating shifts from scratch by using recurring schedules as templates.

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Enhanced Workforce Visibility

Online timesheets help streamline communication without requiring you to call and check in every few hours.

  • Check progress using online timesheets
  • Streamline communication and visibility
Group 1000016071

Optimize Performance Insights

Filter and customize reports to get valuable data on how your employees are performing.

Time & Activity Reports
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Meant For Every Business

Workstatus is One Solution for All Businesses

One Solution


  • Optimize workforce management and resource allocation
  • AI-powered insights for strategic decision-making
  • Choose Stealth or Visible Mode for tracking employee activity
One Solution


  • Cost-effective, comprehensive workforce management
  • Real-time insights for rapid growth and success
  • Ideal for managing remote teams
One Solution


  • Precise time tracking and invoicing
  • Efficient task prioritization and deadline management
  • Foster trust and credibility with clients

Monitor Scheduling Insights on Dashboard

View multiple reports related to your workers’ shift timings, attendance, and productivity in one place.

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Intuitive Dashboard

Get a consolidated view of employee scheduling activities on an AI-powered intuitive dashboard.

  • Manage shifts & set up schedules.
  • Receive alerts & notifications.
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In-Depth Analytics

Stay up-to-date with the latest data on your employees’ working patterns.

  • Analyze employee availability, productivity trends, and time management.
  • Optimize work hour allocation and operational efficiency using data insights.
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Empowering Leaders

How Can Workstatus Help Managers Optimize Operations

Workstatus offers robust features to help managers plan, optimize & track their operations and make data-driven decisions for higher ROI.

Empowering Leaders

HR Managers

  • Real-time insights on attendance and work hours
  • Geofencing, GPS tracking, and selfie validation
  • Efficient time tracking and reporting for easy payroll

Business Owners

  • Gain a clear picture of overall business productivity
  • Identify areas for growth and increase profits
  • Track project progress, employee performance, and resource utilization to make informed decisions.

IT Managers

  • Identify potential data theft threats by capturing screenshots.
  • Monitor application usage to detect unauthorized software installations and potential security breaches.
  • Analyze metrics for smarter IT operations.

Project Managers

  • Centralized platform for monitoring project progress
  • Real-time data and analytics for risk identification
  • Stay on schedule and within budget with Workstatus!"
AS EASY AS 1-2-3

Begin Your Time Tracking Journey Right Away!


Get Workstatus™

Download and install the Workstatus app on desktops/laptops (Windows, Mac, Linux) and/or mobile phones (Android/iOS) as per your requirements.

Create Shift Schedules

Schedule shifts with just a few clicks by viewing ongoing & upcoming projects in the tool. With complete visibility into your employees’ availability, Workstatus helps you simplify shift planning.

Generate In-Depth Reports

Get comprehensive reports to analyze if your employees are adhering to their schedules and use this information to optimize their shifts.

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Why Should You Use Workstatus™?

Optimize On Premise Teams Management For Enhanced Performance

Learn to boost productivity levels by 50%

Boost productivity by 50% with AI-driven scheduling. Smart, efficient, and tailored for success.

Prevent Employee Burnout Ensure Work-Life Balance

Decrease Employee Burnout Rate Upto 70%

Automate your scheduling process to manage time, allocate tasks, and prioritize personal and professional commitments, resulting in greater flexibility and well-being.

Trusted Timesheets In Minutes With Workstatus

Gain 50% More Insights into Employee Productivity

Track employee work patterns to gain insights into productivity, remote work efficiency, compliance, and work processes.


Workstatus for All Devices

Our lightweight app allows you and your team to track time, no matter where you are. With GPS tracking and geofencing, anyone can clock in automatically when they enter a job site or get reminders based on location.

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Workstatus account required to use apps


Have Queries? We Have Answers

1. What is a work schedule and what is its purpose?

A work schedule refers to the plan that outlines the days and hours an employee is expected to work. In most cases, the employer decides the work schedule of their employees by setting aside a certain number of days and hours every week through a shift calendar.

Work schedules can be done in several ways. Traditionally, it is done using a spreadsheet or calendar where the employer manually determines the schedule for each of their workers. These days, however, the task can be automated, thanks to advanced employee shift scheduling software tools that simplify the process to a great degree.

The purpose of a work schedule is to ensure that employees know when they are expected to work and to help employers plan for coverage. Work schedules can also help employees arrange their time-off requests and track their hours worked. Creating and monitoring work schedules is critical to the long-term success of a business.

Let’s have a look at the key benefits of a work schedule:

Provides structure: This is one of the key advantages of building a work schedule. A predetermined schedule makes sure employees finish their work in the time allotted to them. A consistent schedule helps people work on their responsibilities more efficiently. When your team knows their work schedule, they are likely to be more efficient. Plus, if they have a fixed number of hours to finish their tasks, it would encourage them to focus on their priorities and not waste time on unproductive activities.

Offers work-life balance: Without a proper schedule in place, it won’t be easy to preserve work-life balance. This is because you may end up spending 60-70 hours working every week. Or, you may not allocate as many hours to work as you should. This applies especially to those who work from home.

Eases attendance, workload, and payroll management: If you are managing a team, you may not be able to work smoothly without a consistent work schedule. Just imagine what could happen if none of your team members show up at the workplace simply because you didn’t plan a schedule for them. You will be understaffed and work will suffer. A schedule also helps you manage your workload easily as you always have the right number of people at your disposal. In addition, you can also manage payroll in a hassle-free manner.

Tracks productivity: Work schedules help you keep track of the productivity of your team. This is because you can assess how much work was done during a specific shift.

Meets deadlines: Deadlines are part and parcel of a workplace. Work schedules enable you to meet these deadlines easily as there are a specified number of hours in which you have to get your work done.

Alleviates stress: As already discussed, work schedules prevent scheduling conflicts, help you track deadlines, and ensure work-life balance. All these factors help you alleviate work-related stress. Workstatus the best employee scheduling app free offers work scheduling options as well as several advanced features. Click here to start a free trial now.

2. How to schedule employee shifts?

An ideal employee work schedule should include the following:

  • A set number of hours per day
  • A set number of days per week
  • A set start and end time
  • Breaks during the day, including lunch and dinner breaks
  • Consecutive days off

Contact information should also be included so that employers can easily get in touch with employees if there are any changes or updates to the schedule. Job duties should be specified clearly so that everyone is on the same page regarding what is expected of them.

Ideally, an employee’s work schedule would be rotated so that they have different days off each week. This allows them to have a better work/life balance. Additionally, employers should try to avoid scheduling employees for back-to-back shifts. This can lead to fatigue and decreased productivity.

How to make a work schedule for employees?

A variety of free work schedule software are available to help supervisors create a work schedule for employees. 

One popular option is Workstatus the employee scheduling and online time tracking software that allows managers to check the availability of employees and drag-and-drop employees into shifts. Workstatus comes with a notification system that sends alerts when employees are late or absent from their shifts.

Another option for managing employee work schedules is online calendar software. With this type of software, employees can self-manage their schedules by adding appointments and shift blocks onto a shared calendar. Managers can then approve or reject employee requests for time off or schedule changes.

Both of these options for work schedule management are widely used and offer many benefits for both managers and employees. For example, with the proper use of shift management software, managers can bring down operational expenses by scheduling only those employees who are necessary for a given shift. They can avoid paying overtime or hiring temporary workers when demand at a business is high.

 work schedule for employees

4. What can employee scheduling software do?

The best employee scheduling software can do a lot of things, but the most common use is to create and manage employee schedules. With employee work schedule software free such as Workstatus, you can create schedules for your employees, track employee hours, and quickly make changes to the schedule as needed, and much more.

There are a number of different employee shift scheduling software programs available, so be sure to choose one that meets your needs. Some programs are more complex than others and offer more features, while others are simpler and easier to use. Whichever program you choose, be sure to spend some time learning how to use it properly so you can get the most out of it.employee scheduling software

5. How can visual planning & scheduling software help me keep track of my workload?

Visual planning and scheduling software can be a huge help in keeping track of your workload. By creating a visual representation of your tasks, you can get a better sense of what you need to do and when you need to do it. This can help prevent frustration and overwhelm, as you’ll be able to see at a glance what still needs to be done.

Additionally, many scheduling programs allow you to set deadlines and reminders, which can help ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. And if you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, simply taking a few minutes to look over your schedule can be very calming and reassuring.

6. How do I create work schedule on mobile phone?

If you’re looking for an easy way to create a work schedule on your mobile phone, there are a number of work scheduling apps available that can simplify the process.

Workstatus the best employee scheduling software is a popular workforce scheduling software that helps you create and manage your work schedules on your mobile phone. The software offers several coveted features that allow managers to track their workers’ productivity, monitor who’s working on what, and keep deadlines and project budgets in check.

Another popular and best online shift scheduling software sought-after option is Google Calendar which is free to download and easy to use.work schedule

7. Why is work scheduling software important for businesses?

Employee scheduling and time tracking software is important for businesses because it allows managers to schedule employees for their shifts and keep track of who is working when and for how long. It also makes it easier for employees to view their schedules and request time off.

Employee scheduling software such as Workstatus can save businesses a lot of time and money. For example, if a business has to call or email employees to ask them to work an extra shift, it takes time that could be better spent on other tasks. And if an employee has to switch shifts last minute, it can be difficult to find someone to cover the shift. But with employee scheduling software, all of this can be done quickly and easily.

Online employee scheduling software can streamline a lot of different tasks, making it easier to keep track of employee hours and schedules. For example, team scheduling software can automatically update a manager’s calendar when new shifts are scheduled or when employees request time off. And with some good options for mobile access, managers can quickly check who is working next week while away from work.

8. What types of businesses can benefit from scheduling software?

A lot of businesses can benefit from using online employee scheduling software like Workstatus. These include retail stores, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and software development companies

Retail stores can use automatic shift scheduler software to create staff schedules and track inventory levels. Restaurants can use scheduling software to manage their employees’ 

schedules and track their inventory. Schools can use scheduling software to create timetables for their students and staff. Hospitals can use scheduling software to manage the appointments of their patients. Transportation companies can also use team scheduling software to schedule pickups and deliveries.

If you want to see how exactly Workstatus the best automatic shift scheduling software can cater to the needs of your business or industry, ask for a free demo.


What Workstatus™ Users Tell Us

“ Workstatus employee time tracking tool tells us the moments our people are being
productive and uses that data to help us create productive schedules, deadlines, and tasks. With a simple to use tool, we are able to make our employees more
productive while saving time we used to spend earlier. ”

“ We have further noticed that as a by product, our employees are also motivated to work harder and smarter by taking control of their time by having this app on their devices. ”


Eric Genge, UK

“ Glad that we moved to Workstatus and cut down on wasted time. We are now clutter- free, more managed and relaxed. Our people have reported a better work-life balance since we made the move. ”


Berry Jonas, USA

“ I was exhausted after working full days. I used to spend my entire day running around like crazy trying to finish everything. But things have changed since I made a shift to Workstatus time tracker. Coming home after work with time to spend with family is great. And picture not dreading the next day at work because I am less stressed and don’t feel like there’s too much on my plate. ”


Alaxandra Naogaokar, Israel


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an application available for creating work schedules, and which one is considered the best?

Workstatus is a leading online staff scheduling software that helps organisations manage their workers’ shift schedules easily. Workstatus allows managers to easily create and modify work schedules, assign employees to shifts, and track staff availability.

The best thing about Workstatus is that it’s easy to install and use and comes in both mobile and desktop versions. Features such as an AI-powered dashboard, online timesheets, and comprehensive reports further add to its appeal.

Give Workstatus a try today and see how easy it is to manage your work schedule!

In what ways does workforce scheduling software simplify the process of staff scheduling?

Workforce scheduling software automates the process of creating and managing staff schedules. Rather than having to manually create shift patterns and manage staff availability, the online staff scheduling software does all the work for you, automatically matching staff with the available shifts and ensuring that everyone is fully booked. This not only saves you time and hassle but also ensures that your schedules are always up-to-date and accurate.

Does Workstatus™ offer a free plan for employee scheduling, or is it a paid service?

Yes, Workstatus does come with a ‘free forever plan’ that includes several beneficial features such as task scheduling, time tracking, and productivity tracking that help you manage the day-to-day activities of your employees in a smooth manner.

Can Workstatus™ automatically generate shift schedules based on specific criteria?

Workstatus’ shift management software is so easy to use, you can set up repeat shifts once and let their app do all the work for you. The interface makes it super straightforward – just enter some basic information like start time or end date into Workstatus’ website (or mobile app) then watch as your calendar pops up with upcoming dates that match what was submitted.

Can scheduling software be customized to suit individual preferences?

One of the best things about online employee scheduling app is that they can be customized to meet your specific needs. You can adjust the settings to reflect the way you work, and you can add or remove features as needed. You also have the ability to create custom reports, which can help you track your progress and stay on top of your goals.

If you’re looking for a team scheduling software that can be tailored to your individual preferences, then Workstatus is one of the best options to consider.

How can the use of Workstatus™ scheduling software help to save time?

Workstatus scheduling software can help you save time in several ways. First, it can help simplify the process of creating schedules, which is a time-consuming process. Second, it can provide alerts and notifications when there are changes in shift schedules, and this reduces the need for last-minute changes or adjustments. And finally, the task management tool can also provide reports and analytics that can help managers identify trends and optimize schedules for maximum efficiency.

In what ways does scheduling software helps to eliminate scheduling errors?

Employee scheduling software can eliminate scheduling errors because it allows managers to see the entire schedule at once and quickly identify potential conflicts.

Furthermore, by automating the process of creating and adjusting schedules, employee scheduling software virtually eliminates the possibility of human error. Employees can also use the software to request time off or trade shifts with other employees, which further reduces the likelihood of scheduling errors.

Is scheduling software scalable, and can it accommodate the growth of a business?

Most employee scheduling software solutions such as Workstatus are scalable, meaning that they can grow with your business. In most cases, you’ll start by using the software to schedule a limited number of employees or positions. As your business grows, you can add more employees or positions to the schedule.

Advanced employee scheduling software also allows you to create custom templates and rules that can be applied to different groups of employees or positions. This flexibility helps ensure that your scheduling process remains efficient as your business continues to grow.

Does Workstatus™ work scheduling application integrate with other IT tools and software?

Yes, Workstatus’ work scheduling app integrates seamlessly with other IT tools, so you can easily manage shift schedules, track employee activity, and monitor the progress of your projects, all at one time. The app has built-in integration with Asana, Breeze, GitHub, Trello, Jira, PayPal, QuickBooks, and Slack.


We Love To Hear From Our Users

Mask Group-1

Workstatus simplified our workforce management and HR operations. Workstatus allowed us to track attendance seamlessly and accurately. Employees can clock in and clock out with a simple tap on their smartphones. We can monitor attendance in real-time, generate attendance & productivity reports, and manage leave requests. I highly recommend Workstatus to any business that wants to automate their attendance tracking and improve HR operations

Ripple Nagpal
CEO of Execube Digital
Group 1000018788

I have been using Workstatus time tracking software for my team. I must say it has made a significant difference in my productivity and time management. The software is incredibly easy to use and it allows us to track our time accurately for each project and task. I highly recommend Workstatus time tracking software to any business looking to streamline their time management and maximize the productivity.

Chetan Pabari
CEO of Opus
Mask Group

We started using Workstatus sometime back. It has given a good amount of improvement in productivity of our employee. We are able to track what they do and how much time they spend on each of our project. It gives us clarity on which project we need to spend more time and whether they are spending right amount of time over the project as well. We are also able to track if anyone is tampering with productivity and time. As a productivity tracker, Workstatus is really good. It has a good support team that resolved all our technical issues in no time. We are looking for a long term association with Workstatus.

CEO of Experts Bio
Alvaro J Ruiz

So far, I’m very happy with the support. It’s been very easy to set up the application. We contact via chats and WhatsApp. It has been a month, and it has been great. The support is awesome. There’ve been some tweaks here & there, and a learning curve. I do recommend this application for your company.

Alvaro J Ruiz
RF Solutions

I think Workstatus is a very good application which I would recommend. It just doesn’t track time but helps us understand how team is performing. It always boosts team morale and keeps up good performance. I would recommend Workstatus for any organization for time tracking.


Time management is a crucial thing for us. Workstatus has made it easier to focus on what matters the most. It helps in keeping away distractions and focus more on projects so that we are able to deliver the best outcomes to users.

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