Time theft is a severe concern that HR managers must not ignore, particularly in today’s rapidly changing work settings.

The question of correct time tracking has significantly evolved regardless of the employee’s remote, hybrid, or on-site work setting. 

Whether it concerns clearly defined working hours or specific tasks that employees make to address personal issues, such micro-shirking accumulates and gradually impacts the company’s margins.

Thus, for HR managers, combating time theft is more than just implementing regulations. It is about ensuring the organization meets its tracking goals without negativity impacting the work environment. This is where the best employee monitoring software becomes crucial. 

These tools help record work hours and productivity more efficiently and offload the tedious work of managing absence and time records from already-stressed HR managers. 

With the top employee monitoring software, HR professionals will be better equipped to address time theft, enhancing organizational accountability and staff productivity.

Let’s understand all about the best employee monitoring software! 

5 Reasons Why Time Theft Has Risen Over Years 

why time theft

Up to 75% of all firms are impacted by time theft, which occurs when workers are paid for hours they did not work. Here are the five prime reasons why time theft has risen over the last few years: 

1. Increase in Remote and Hybrid Work

As more and more employees are either fully or partially working from home, it has become increasingly challenging for HR managers to know exactly what people are up to. 

With no physical contact or someone overseeing your operation, the instances where time differences as minor as extended breaks or a personal errand can slip through are accessible.

2. Lack of Clear Monitoring Tools

To this date, many organizations are utilizing ineffective timekeeping techniques, including paper-based systems or the temptation to steal time. 

When systems are disparate and not updated or automated, monitoring the time employees spend doing their work becomes challenging.

3. Blurred Work-Life Boundaries

The rise of flexible schedules has improved work-life balance but blurred the lines between work and personal time. It is easier for employees to mix in personal tasks during work hours, impacting productivity.

4. Increased Use of Personal Devices During Work

All individuals have a smartphone or personal device within reach, and it is easy to shift attention for a few minutes and refresh your social media feed or reply to personal emails. 

If not closely supervised, all these minor interruptions can become massive time loss and essentially amount to time theft.

5. Lack of Accountability and Oversight

In corporations, there is often no clearly defined procedure for tracking employees’ working time. 

Employees feel that if there is no check or consequences, they can occasionally take an extra five or ten minutes here and there, leading to the issue escalating over time.

Now, let’s focus on the common challenges most HR managers face concerning time theft. 

Struggling with time theft?

Boost accountability with real-time monitoring today!

Common Challenges for HR Managers

HR challenges

Here are the prominent challenges for HR Managers:

Ensuring Accurate Time Tracking

The shift to remote and hybrid working models has made tracking time more challenging than it used to be. 

With the help of automated solutions, the inaccuracies in calculating the payroll and productivity can become a problem that leads to dissatisfaction and financial losses.

Balancing Employee Monitoring with Privacy

While they are required to supervise the workplace and their employees, HR managers should also ensure the privacy of their subordinates. 

It is crucial to remain transparent and maintain ethical practices, as overly intrusive systems can negatively impact trust.

Managing Employee Engagement and Morale

Monitoring activities reduce employee morale if they are perceived as monitoring workers. HR managers are responsible for establishing structures that improve efficiency yet are transparent and build trust.

Enforcing Company Policies Consistently

Lack of policy compliance across teams or departments/ sections can cause feelings of injustice. Effective monitoring can lead to proper and fair treatment of employees and quality compliance with organizational standards.

Navigating Labor Laws and Compliance

HR managers should regularly update themselves on improvements in labor laws regarding privacy, monitoring, and working hours to comply with legal requirements and respect employees’ rights.

Adapting to Evolving Work Environments

Remote and hybrid workforces imply that HR managers must be familiar with new techniques for tracking work, efficiency, and dedication.

Handling Disputes and Time Theft Accusations

Addressing disputes concerning time theft or hours worked without recorded information is often challenging. To handle such matters, lawyers require tools to track and provide real-time data.

Managing Remote Employee Productivity

One of the challenging tasks for HR departments is keeping track of remote workers and figuring out how to inspire them and manage their work if you cannot observe them in person. 

For this reason, HR departments use tools that allow them to be as productive as possible while also controlling performance rates.

Benefits of Employee Monitoring Software

Benefits of employee monitoring software

Here are the prominent benefits of top employee monitoring software: 

Improved Time Management

The monitoring software makes it apparent to HR managers what their employees are doing or how they handle their working hours. 

This method allows for tracking existing problems in working processes and time management and helps HR secure the necessary support for employees with such concerns. 

This leads to better organization of work days and time, particularly for teams, to achieve better project goals.

Increased Productivity

Employee monitoring tools enable HR managers to know the productivity level and identify areas that may take time. 

By tracking these measurements, HR can review goals, schedules, and deadlines and make decisions that enhance the work productivity of teams or employees and optimize their performance.

Enhanced Accountability

HR managers value oversight, and the monitoring software offers a transparent approach to guaranteeing that workers are active during working hours. 

It records the time spent on different tasks to minimize time shrinkage and promote accountability. 

This software also enables the HR department to confront performance problems based on factual evidence.

Accurate Payroll and Billing

Any work hours on an employee monitoring system eliminate several tasks of an HR manager managing payroll for the company. 

This helps reduce the chances of making calculation mistakes, ensuring that employees get fair salaries for their work. 

It also helps track the billable hours for the company’s client projects and the employees if they are pretty charged.

Streamlined Compliance

Another vital factor for HR managers is legal compliance, particularly concerning labor laws. 

Employee monitoring software helps track and ensure that working hours, overtime, and breaks comply with the law. 

Real-time tracking and alerts will assist HR in preventing compliance missteps and guaranteeing equal treatment of workers.

Reduced Time Theft

Time theft can cause substantial financial losses and reduced productivity. To lessen this issue, HR managers can use real-time monitoring software that tracks employee activity. 

It tracks prolonged leave of absence, working during lunch, and other non-work-related activities, allowing HR to intervene before problems occur.

Key Features to Look for in Monitoring Software

Here are the standard features to look for in an employee monitoring software: 

Real-Time Tracking Capabilities

It enables managers to oversee many of the employ’s activities and get real-time information about productivity, work completion, and time consumed. 

This feature assists in preventing problems such as time theft and guarantees that work is completed on time without interruptions.

User-Friendly Interface for Employees

A well-designed interface enables the employees to use and have direct control over the software without being trained through complicated tutorials. 

This reduces interference and promotes the use of the system to record hours and work among the workers without getting frustrated.

Customizable Reporting Options

HR managers should be able to customize reports using flexible reporting tools provided by monitoring software. It enables them to track productivity, time, and project progress, among other metrics. 

This tool helps managers make informed decisions by using clear, data-driven insights.

Integration with Existing HR Systems

Processes such as time tracking, payroll, performance reviews, and other crucial ones are guaranteed to be coordinated smoothly with current HR tools and applications. 

This streamlines HR operations, increases efficiency, and decreases redundancy.

Need accurate time tracking?

Stop time theft with automated solutions.

How Does Workstatus Address Time Theft Effectively?

Workstatus is an effective tool for employee tracking, which assists organizations in increasing efficiency and eradicating time theft. 

Hence, Workstatus offers detailed insights into the team’s performance due to features such as automated time tracking, real-time reporting, GPS location tracking, and business-focused productivity reporting options. 

It provides better control over the workforce, especially for remote, hybrid, and on-site employees. It handles payroll issues, increases accountability, and reduces the adverse effects of non-compliance with existing labor laws.

Here are some key features:

Automated Time Tracking

Automated Time Tracking

Workstatus automatically tracks employees’ work hours, ensuring accurate logging of time spent on tasks. Unlike the biometric system, manual time cards can be altered, minimizing the chance of time theft.

Real-Time Activity Monitoring

Website & App tracking

Workstatus tracks employees’ work, capturing screenshots, app usage, and the ability to detect when an employee has been idle for a certain period. Managers can identify non-work-related activities immediately, ensuring little to no wastage.

GPS and Geolocation Tracking

GPS and Activity Tracking

Workstatus provides GPS and geolocation for those working remotely or in the fields, always ensuring they are on the right track during working hours. This feature provides an extra measure of control for managers and decreases instances of employees submitting falsified work hours on the go.

Detailed Productivity Reports

Time and Activity Reports

Workstatus creates comprehensive work activity reports that include the hours worked on various tasks. These insights help managers identify repetitive tasks and unneeded activities to reduce before they negatively affect output.

Customizable Alerts and Notifications

Idle Time Tracker

Workstatus can help track idle time or prolonged breaks to ensure corrective action is taken to curb time theft. Such notifications assist in keeping the employees on their toes, especially during your shift.

Best Practices for Implementing Employee Monitoring Software

Here are the practices for implementing the best employee screen monitoring software: 

Communicate the Purpose

Explain to the employees that the software is installed to enhance efficiency, responsibility, and accreditation, not spying. It assists in building credibility and minimizing resistance.

Prioritize Data Privacy

Apply high levels of protection for all data held for the employees. Track only performance data relevant to the job and strictly adhere to privacy laws and organizational protocols.

Customize Monitoring to Fit Roles

Monitor settings depending on the employee’s position and tasks. For instance, remote employees may require geolocation technology, while those who work at desks may have more use for tasks and performance analyses.

Set Clear Policies and Guidelines

Establish a transparent and fair policy outlining how and when an employee will likely be monitored. It needs to contain rules for such use, provision of this data, and possible sanctions for misuse. Ensure that a copy of this policy is distributed to all employees.

Involve Employees in the Process

Seek employee input when selecting and deploying the monitoring software. Engaging them in the process also removes the fear of being subjected to excessive scrutiny by other people.

Use the Data for Positive Reinforcement

When tracking employees and monitoring their actions, observe situations where employees are performing well, support such behaviors, and point out what can be deemed incorrect. As a result, working there is more engaging and healthy.

Regularly Review and Adjust Monitoring Practices

Check regularly to see how monitoring software benefits or harms your team. This should be done to make the system more practical and responsive to the changing needs of workplaces that use it.

Ensure Compliance with Legal Regulations

Before implementing these, ensure compliance with labor and privacy laws and industry best practices. Auditing checks will assist in sustaining legal compliance and ethical usage.

Focus on Productivity, Not Micromanagement

Refrain from being overly controlling when utilizing management software. It is way better to improve general effectiveness and quality of life at work rather than micromanage and keep track of specific employee minutes.

Worried about time theft in remote teams?

Ensure efficiency with advanced monitoring.

Closing Thoughts 

Therefore, HR managers must use the new best employee computer monitoring software to address the increasing problem of time theft. 

It enables the tracking of working hours, real-time monitoring, and production of exact reports; hence, HR has control over the employees to minimize time wastage and enhance productivity regarding the payroll. 

By applying tools that increase transparency and compliance, HR managers can improve organizational performance and make work more fair in remote and hybrid working conditions. 

In conclusion, the best employee monitoring software serves the primary purpose of enabling HR to focus on the positive aspect of enhancing employee productivity to advance organizational goals.


Ques: How does Workstatus help HR managers prevent time theft?

Ans: With Workstatus, the employee’s work status is captured in real-time, thus eliminating the chance of fake time entries and time logs. Its GPS tracking feature for field teams and detailed productivity reporting guarantee that employees keep track of their performance during their shifts.

Ques: Can Workstatus be used for remote and hybrid teams?

Ans: Yes, Workstatus is ideal for remote and hybrid teams. Its features enable location tracking, task arrangement, and activity review generation, giving HR managers a clear vision of employees’ performance even if they are not working from the office. This makes efficiency and time theft possible.

Ques: What features of Workstatus address time theft specifically?

Ans: Workstatus fights time theft via auto time tracking, real-time monitoring of activities and possible time wasters, and sends notifications if an employee is idle or engaged in non-work activities. These tools assist HR in early identification of these issues so that prompt action can be taken.

Finding it Difficult to Manage Teams, Workflows, and Projects?

Workstatus can help you adapt and thrive in demanding, challenging, and dynamic work environments.